Offset Test Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Allow two weeks turnaround on all offset orders.Existing Client?YesNope, I’m newCompany Name (if applicable)Name *FirstLastEmail *Secondary Email (optional)Some of our larger corporate accounts have blocked our automated reply. You may want to enter a personal email address here.Phone *Job Description and File UploadJob Description *Upload your file(s) or direct link?UploadLink (DropBox or cloud)File Upload Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 4 files. Currently PDF, ZIP, TIF, EPS, JPG files are allowed.Proof? *No proof required.Proof needed ($10 surcharge)Delivery? *Pickup at EVGLocal Vancouver delivery $20.00Lower mainland delivery $25.00Other/Canada/USA $30-$50Special Instructions?PhoneSubmit